Ethiopia Today

Steeped in history and ethnic diversity, Ethiopia today is a federal democracy whose wealth of cultural and natural attractions, progressive social policies and fast growing economy are contributing to its emergence as a word class tourist destination.

In 1994, Ethiopia introduced a federal system of governance that has helped to transform its social, cultural and economic progress. The capital Addis Ababa is the seat of many international organizations, notably the African Union (AU) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). The remarkable economic and infrastructural development over the past two decades, together with the significant role it plays in African and World politics, has enabled Ethiopia to greatly improve its allure to tourists interested in history, culture, nature and the origin of humanity.

Ethiopia is a mosaic of peoples and cultures who collectively speak more than 80 languages and practice two of the world’s major religions (Christianity and Islam) along with various other faiths.

Ethiopia is a Federal Democratic Republic whose government is highly committed to transformation of tourism into a major economic sector.

The booming Ethiopian economy is not only the fifth largest in Africa but also ranked fifth in the world in terms of continued year-on-year growth over the past decade.